Cynthia’s’ Story
I have always loved to write. I majored in Journalism at West Virginia University and have written for brochures, speeches, and news articles throughout my career. While Ken was in Law School, I began teaching for WV Junior College and also served as their Assistant Director as well as the Director for Ross Medical Education. It is indeed an honor to be able to dedicate my passion for writing to the Elk River Living magazine.
If we are indeed products of our environment, then I can proudly say I am thankful I was raised on the Elk River and I am equally proud our children were as well. There is an appreciation here for family and friends that you do not see in many communities. There is talent and success; there is love and kindness; there is pride and respect, and there are strong hands that join together in good times and in bad.
I am thankful my brother Dave believed in me and inspired me to publish this magazine. Without the support of my husband, children, brothers and sisters, and friends, this dream would not have come true. Most of all, I am thankful for our son Josh, who said, “Mom, we can do this.” It is his creative layout and design that magically transforms the wonderful stories into a professional publication that showcases our wonderful Elk River heritage.
They’ve said about Elk River Living
Elk River Strong!